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The Blessing of Disassociation

Misha L

Blessed is the man

Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly,

Nor stands in the path of sinners,

Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;

What an interesting way to start the portion of scripture.

The psalmists speaks of the condition or the state of a man who walks not… which makes me think that the people we walk in the counsel of, have the ability to influence our state of being. 

To be blessed speaks of the state of being happy, prospered or praised, so this begs the thought. Can the people we allow to be in our space and give access to our lives have the ability to influence whether or not we are blessed, or cursed. 

God is super intentional here in that he uses the word counsel.

To be counselled is to receive advice from someone especially in a formal capacity. So God is saying in this portion of scripture, that we are better off, even blessed when we do not walk in the counsel, advise, or guidance of ungodly people, people who are mockers and scorners of God.  

God clearly cares who we hang around because He knows us best. Much like the Israelites we are highly susceptible to negative influence and can be easily drawn away from Him without the necessary boundaries in place. 

Does this mean we ignore all people who are not godly and hide ourselves from the world? Not at all, we have a responsibility to share this goodness and love of Jesus to the nations. We must just be careful to not yoke ourselves with people who are adamantly opposed to what we believe. 

Yes we are called to love all people of God and to be the salt of the earth but those are things we can do without yoking ourselves or marrying ourselves to them. Because once we become one with those who are ungodly, mockers and scorners we open ourselves to curses and demonic influences and attacks. 

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Leave me a comment below and like if you have been edified. 


Ps Misha 

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